Instrumentation and Control Engineering

About the study on our department in English

Most of subjects of our specialization are offered in the Erasmus program as well and they have regular classes (only our specialization = Instrumentation and Control Engineering and two other specialization - Process Engineering and Environmental Engineering can be studied this way, the rest of the specializations can be studied only by consultation = self study methods).

Because of the Erasmus students, many of our subjects are little expanded by adding some kind of introduction. As a result, some of them have more hours per week and even more credits. You will get more then 30 credits per semester, but the study should be even easier for you.

In the list, all subjects opened for the Erasmus students are in green (their content can be found on this page), projects (individual or team work of students) in blue. Red color means subjects intended for our specialization only (in the current state only one subject from another department). We recommend two Czech language courses; students of our specialization should pass the foreign language exam, but if you can speak in other language, you can pass this. English in English is possible on the vice-dean individual exception only for students from countries, where English is not one of the official languages. Currently supported are German, French, Spanish, Russian and obviously Czech. Other languages would be more complicated, but mostly possible (it could cost you extra money).

State exams, diploma thesis and all "paper work" should be exclusively in English.

Final note: the recommended study plan has still status of an "individual study plan". You can ask about modification before start of study, but please consult us about possible problems. You can get permit to replace nearly any of the subjects, but we cannot change the State exam questions. Many of our subjects are important for passing the final state exams.

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